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Prayer and Bible Band is a teaching ministry in men and women taught The Word of God. Our goal is to produce a desire in the participants to learn what the Bible says about Holy living. The primary objective is to not only be a hearer of the Word, but a doer of the Word as well.

Each Prayer and Bible Band lesson opens with singing and prayer, Bible Devotion, and then the study of the lesson. All participants are encouraged to express themselves by asking questions, sharing, and speaking on the lesson topic.

Through Prayer and Bible Band, men and women can become more effective in ministry and help win others to Christ.


Prayer and Bible Band are held each Tuesday starting

with 7:00 p.m. prayer and lesson at 7:30 p.m.




The goal Sunday School is to train men, women, boys and girls in the Word of the Lord. Age appropriate classes are provided in an environment conducive for teaching and learning to occur.

Classes consist of lectures, narrations, skits, games, arts, reading, class discussions; and of course, the Word of God. Younger students also receive weekly rewards for their regular attendance and participation in class. Other incentives and yearly class promotions are provided.

The principal objective is to inspire our students to always stand on the Word of God by allowing Him to lead them

(In all thy ways acknowledge Him (God) and He shall direct thy paths).

Proverbs 3:6


Sunday School is held each Sunday at 9:30 AM 




YPWW at Word of Life endeavors to increase spiritual strength in the youth and adults by studying the Scriptures that are relevant to today living.

Our goal is to provide opportunities for all students to ask questions and seek Biblical truths. The principal objective is to win souls for Christ.

All lessons are designed to impress upon students the importance of the Word of God and how God’s Word can work in the lives of those who

believe in Him (God).


Weekly classes are held on Sunday at 5:30 PM and

second and fourth Friday of each month at 7:30 PM




Join us once a week  for Bible Study


Bible Study is held each Friday at 7:30 PM




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